Podcasts automatically unsubscribing?

A quick post on podcast subscriptions after an Odd Thing™ happened over the weekend.

I noticed Friday that a particular Friday night favourite didn’t update, but assumed someone was on holidays and feed updates were neglected, so got on with a busy weekend without my fix. Last night, in assessing the offerings for my commute listening, I noticed that iTunes was of the opinion that I was unsubscribed from another podcast, but was pretty sure I hadn’t unsubscribed. After checking the rest of my subs, I realised that all of my BBC podcast subscriptions were unsubscribed, tho I was pretty sure I hadn’t deliberately unsub-ed – very odd! So I re-subscribed, got my podcasts, and drifted off to sleep listening to a favourite.

This morning, the issue was still on my mind, so I had a bit of a google and discovered this BBC iPlayer FAQ. Turns out, if the RSS feed for a podcast is redirected, iTunes automatically unsubscribes! Who knew? May explain why some other podcasts mysteriously disappeared on me in the past.

If you haven’t heard a favourite in a while, check you’re still subscribed. You could be in for a backlog-y treat!

Author: smurphy

Writer, mother, gardener, geek...