Pinning tabs in browsers

Chrome and Firefox let you “pin” content you want to appear in your browser all the time. (Other browsers may do this too – IE doesn’t seem to.)

To do this:

  1. Go to the URL for the content you want to pin.
  2. Right-click the tab and click Pin tab.

You’re done!

Tabs - pinned and un-pinned

Your pinned tabs:

  • Open automatically when you open the browser.
  • Are shrunk down to show the favicon for the URL only, not the page title.
  • Don’t change focus/close if you click a link in them – the link opens in a separate tab.

I’ve found pinned tabs particularly useful for keeping a Google inbox and calendar open, plus the web interface(s) for whatever communication tool(s) is/are flavour of the month with the team(s) I’m working with.

Author: smurphy

Writer, mother, gardener, geek...