Writing and Formatting Headings

Documentation users rely on headings to quickly locate content of interest, so they should be easily identifiable and provide meaningful context/keywords in a consistent way. Within these golden rules, though, there’s ample room for customisation to reinforce a particular document/provider’s brand. Continue reading “Writing and Formatting Headings”


I’m a bit of a junkie for markup languages: I’ve used many, experimented with more, and am always eager to try a new one. Pandoc is a delight of a tool that allows you to convert from one markup language to another. There’s a proper, installable tool you can put on your local machine to handle full files, which will do a whole lot of the work for you, but you’ll still need to do some clean up on the results.
Something I find useful in itself, though, is the Try pandoc online demo. Continue reading “Pandoc”

Useful website with many tech writing tips and tricks

I’ve often found myself trying to figure out the solution to a problem in Framemaker, RoboHelp, or Word, and eventually wound up on a forum or page where the wonderful Peter Grainge has supplied the solution. His website – http://www.grainge.org/ – is a carefully curated treasure trove of tricks and fixes to get around a million problems tech writers encounter every day – I don’t know why I don’t just head straight there more often. I’d highly recommend you take a peek if you’ve never visited before.

What does API documentation look like?

How long is a piece of string? If you’re starting a new API documentation project and want to see examples of how other people have tackled presenting the information, head on over to http://www.programmableweb.com/ which catalogs a plethora of public-domain API docs in its directory, as well as providing API-related news articles, and some useful how tos.