
Foozle iconFor a bit of Friday Frivolity, I thought I’d share a current favourite iThing app of mine and my 5 year old’s: Foozle! Great name, great game. It’s less challenging (and frustrating) than Angry Birds, which is good for the 5 year old in particular, but it’s still quite engaging.

The basic premise is that you have a bunch of furry little shape-shifting critters, some of whom are good and some of whom are bad (and occasionally some of whom are neutral) sitting around on platforms. Some platforms are level, some are angled, some are bouncy, some swing… You want to make all the bad guys fall off the screen, while hanging on to the good guys. Tapping a Foozle changes its shape from a square to a circle, and depending on where it is, that’ll either start or stop it rolling. The fewer times you tap to get rid of the bad guys, the higher your score.

Sample Foozle Level


Author: smurphy

Writer, mother, gardener, geek...